Sunday, 28 February 2016

Museum Trip - Early Maori Games

Our trip to the museum was extremely informative we learnt about the history around our Te Arawa area, early games, planting, hunting and fighting practices. It was hands on and we were able to experience different activities... Rakau, Poutoti (stilts), poi, putatara (warning shell), purerehua (communication), koauau (musical flute). 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Team Building Obstacle Course

What amazing Team work was demonstrated today to complete the obstacle course and in record time. Taeotu 1 demonstrated perseverance, encouraging each other and helping their team members out through role modelling and giving a helping hand when needed. Kahukura in particular stood out as a supportive team member. 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Building Foundations

Our Students are the foundation of our class. We created a brick wall where each student contributed a brick that shared some information about themselves. We joined them together to unify our class and create a strong base.

Monday, 22 February 2016

House Chant

What an exciting achievement to win the House Chant at swimming sports. It was such a collaborative effort with so many students contributing ideas for lyrics, tunes and actions. Our leaders were strong and our house performed with Pride....

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Marae Visit

Great day at Tunohopu Marae (Taeotu was Tunohopus grandson). We were able to experience a range of learning... Powhiri, rakau, tukutuku art, photography, Kiorahi, history, Haka

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Taeotu Team Building

A great day of team building, collaborating and getting to know one another. Setting up our collaborative learning environment to learn with, through and from one another.

RIS Powhiri

Very powerful watching our Year 8s welcome the new students and teachers to our Kura.