Tuesday, 24 May 2016

ANZAC Poetry & Art

As part of our ANZAC unit we put ourselves in the shoes of the soldiers and their Whanau. Using words and sentences to describe what it was like we created Haiku poems using our knowledge of syllables.

We accompanied our poetry with imagery art usin silhouettes (art display above). 

Dying for freedom
Poppies representing loss
Dying, finding peace
By Tukotahi

By Marama

Dying for our flag
Families torn apart
We will honour them
By Tahana

By Yezsa

They gave up their lives 
And we still remember them
They glow in our hearts
By Kahu

By Izaiah

Kia Maumahara
We'll remember them
Those who died for us
By Taariki

By Phoenix

Death falls upon us
Trapped having nowhere to go
War is not a choice
By Brayden

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Background Art with a Digital Twist

The first part of our art session involved students finding a background online and digitally insert themselves into it. The second part of our session was to use pastel colours and techniques to extend the background of the picture even further.  It was challenging to match the colours, blend the colours and use techniques so that it looked like an extension of the original image.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Life Ed with Harold

Our second session focused on bullying which comes in many forms (physical, emotional, cyber) and is not acceptable.
Tahana, Tukotahi and Charnce were happy to act out a bullying scenario.
There are Bystanders who watch and do nothing or...
An Upstander who tries to defuse a situation or go for help.

If you are being bullied tell someone, get help. There are other options like Kidsline and What's Up who you can ring for help and advise.

We talked about how sometimes things happen that we have no control over, or something little gets blown out of proportion. We need to not let things that are out of our control burden us. It's ok to show and share our emotions. We also need to learn how to deal with negative situations (walk away, cool down, look at the upside, talk about it). At RIS we have a wheel of choice to help guide the way we respond.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Life Education Session 1

We had our first session in the Life Education caravan today, we were excited to catch up with Harold and Bernie. We were surprised to see the caravan has changed in 2 years and is now very digital.

We talked about how everything we chose to do in life is above or below the line and these lines are set or taught to us by our Whanau. One day we will be alone in life we will be alone and have to remember what we were taught to stay above the line.

An important part of life is citizenship which is about belonging (school, teams, friends, groups, cyberspace, Whanau).

Your Identity is central. Think about your reputation which isn't given it is earned. 
Rights are what you deserve. Because we all matter and are unique we deserve...
To help our learning here are 4 tips for a better rest...
1- no screens for 1 hour before bed
2- small light when you go to bed
3- darkness while you sleep
4- 10 and a half hour sleep
If you have a light on your device cover it as it irritates the brain.