Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Taeotu Whanau Science Fair

We are really proud of our students learning in science that was on display today in our mini Science Fair. There was a great variety of science concepts, well presented information on science boards and interactive hands on experiments, models and quizzes to experience.
From Taeotu One...
The Solar System...
Sugar... Where it hides and the effects
Volcanoes... Baking Soda & Vinegar Eruptions
Stars... What are they really?
Experimenting with Dry Ice...
Taste Buds...
Rainbow Milk...

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Rhythm Interactive

We experienced Rhythm Interactive today where all 200 students drummed to the same beat. They also had some hidden messages... We are all in this together.
Actions speak louder than words..
We had to really listen to the beat and focus.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Science Roadshow

Today we ventured to Westbrook school to view the Science Roadshow... we learnt a lot from the show about volume and different sounds. But it was the hands on experimentation that we enjoyed the most.
The discovery box using our senses.
Finding out how coordinated we are.
Bending lights using lasers.
What's inside our bodies.
Pushing air through a brick.
Force and air pressure.